KLM Luggage Tag, Part II

今天一早醒來又收到了令人驚喜的禮物啦!就是一個月前製作的兩張 KLM 行李標籤!雖然不是第一次收到,但我真的沒想說真的還會繼續寄來,畢竟是免費的,很有可能因為之前已經製作過就沒有第二張或第三張了… 這次的照片是都是九月中拍的,一個是從 Empire State Building 頂樓望過去的 Times Square,另一個是從 Brooklyn 望向 Manhattan 方向的 Brooklyn Bridge。夜景印出來的效果比我想像中好很多哩~

KLM  Luggage Tag

KLM Luggage Tag: Times Square

Times Square, shot from the Empire State Building (20090917)

KLM Luggage Tag: Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge (20090916)

2 responses to “KLM Luggage Tag, Part II

  1. It’s a genuine cure for infertility problems.

  2. Do you also want to know the key behind this attractiveness and why the Greek sculptures manufactured them by doing this?
